"Golf is fun - Come Play with Friends!"

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: I don’t have a full team, can I still play?
A: Absolutely, get in here! We accept signups from singles, twosome, threesomes, or complete teams (foursomes). We will create teams from those who sign up with less than four.

Q: I don’t have a handicap, can I still play?
A: Well, yes, but at zero, and you must register as part of a full team (foursome). Also, just get a handicap, seriously.

Q: Are skins individual or team?
A: Skins technically are individual, although partners cannot “squash” each other. If multiple players on the same team make the only birdie/eagle on a certain hole, those players will split the skin.

Q: Why does my quota not match my handicap on the scorecard?
A: Quota is played at 100% handicap, whereas the team competition is at 80%. For example, a player with a full course handicap of 10 will have a quota of 26, but will only receive 8 strokes in the 2-ball net competition. (36 minus your handicap equals your quota)

Q: Do we get preferred lies? What about divots? What about bunkers?
A: Unless specified, we will be playing the ball DOWN (no preferred lies). There may be exceptions to this along the way, but they will be clearly explained on a case by case basis.

Q: What does “Net Double Bogey” mean?
A: Simply put, if you don’t stroke on the hole, the most you can take is a double bogey. If you do get a stroke on the hole, the most you can take is a triple bogey. PLEASE pick up when you have reached net double bogey. Nobody wants to wait for you to make meaningless putt.

Schedule 2024

The Brookside Club
July 11, 2024

Bayberry Hills
August 22, 2022

Bass River Golf Course
September 12, 2024

Dennis Highlands
October 10, 2024

Wianno Club
October 30, 2024

Pocasset Golf Club
November 7, 2024